Thursday, October 26, 2006 :::
if you're tired get on the sofa, 'cause the bed's no place to sleep
and yes, you'd think that was obvious, him being my SO and all... but really I date so much and so often that it's not something to be particularly proud of, imo.
I dunno what it is about him... I've mentioned before he's got this goofy laugh, and his proper spelling & grammar is such a nice change.
lol - I bet as soon as I post this something'll happen that'll make me take it all back, but oh well.
soft spot.
dunno why.
I do know I'm looking forward to seeing him tomorrow.
my priest hit 53 last night. budd's warlock is still 52, but I think we're gonna do a dungeon tonight to hopefully get him to level. he mentioned that he'd like to hit 53 before this weekend (it's a double honor weekend for a battleground that we're... well... ~really~ low for), and I'm hoping if he does that he'll play more with me.
'cause really I'd love to spend the entire weekend pvp'ing, but I threatened to leave him if we don't watch mansquito on friday.
I don't think he took me seriously, and really I'm not entirely sure if he should have.
guess one way to find out is for us not to watch it, and see if I kick him to the curb or not.
on one hand, it's just some lame movie. on the other, soft spot or not we were supposed to watch that movie about a month ago.
::: posted by tinafish at 12:12 PM :::