Tuesday, December 05, 2006 :::
now I remember why it is I don't do that more often.
my lotion exploded in my bag, so my ipod smells like 'sun-ripened rasberry' now.
it didn't seem to want to boot up (I swear it was stuck at the loading screen for at least 5 mins), but when it did it acted like nothing was wrong.
mostly I'm glad, 'cause I ~hate~ the clickwheel. but kinda sad 'cause 80gigs of space would be nice.
milkdud got me my birthday gift last night.
a bottle of special reserve (yum) and the earthsea quartet. I'm pretty stoked about the books, and I expect to spend this weekend reading them.
I think maybe I don't wanna spend this weekend with budd. not that I don't want to see him, just not to the extent I usually do. I think it's just a sour taste left over from this past weekend, but it's how I feel.
of course, having the great below (
::: posted by tinafish at 2:24 PM :::