Wednesday, December 13, 2006 :::
/%t kicks gloves aside. Fuck Tina's gloves!
great fun - slept in 'till 16ish... played some WoW (they fucked with honor again, and I'm seriously wondering why).... and then budd & I got together.
we were supposed to go out for ice cream, but that turned into us going to home depot, where he decided he wanted to hold my hoodie and my gloves (I'd been all about getting a cart)... he lost my gloves, ya'll.
then we went and looked for hairless hamsters @ petsmart... they had none... then to the bookstore (where we first met), and then to chickfila.
came back here with the intention of watching either conan the conqueror or boondock saints. ended up just lounging around talking while unleashed played in the background.
he says I'm not the type of girl he usually goes for, and I'm not what he expected. he says that's a good thing.
works for me.
::: posted by tinafish at 2:37 AM :::