Wednesday, June 13, 2007 :::
all my engagements have ended because I didn't want to get married right away.
but you know... I want to now.
I wanna be out somewhere, late at night, with some guy... if things are going well, I want him to just be like, 'fuck dating; let's get married.' then head to vegas right that moment.
before you go laughing about "that's one of the ways to lose a date instantly" it's actually happened before, but I wanted to get married in the Church.
so here I am. single as ever.
slave and I got into a fight last night/this morning. he may get upset at me quoting him, but this is what he said:
"when have i never not gotten excited for you when you've had a cool, even a little, developement in your life"
that, in turn, reminded me of something a lady in shall we dance says.
"We need a witness to our lives. There's a billion people on the planet... I mean, what does any one life really mean? But in a marriage, you're promising to care about everything. The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things... all of it, all of the time, every day. You're saying 'Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go un-witnessed because I will be your witness'."
I want a family.
I want to cook dinner every night.
I want a witness.
::: posted by tinafish at 3:28 PM :::