Thursday, July 12, 2007 :::

not a drop will go to waste

so wooh I think I've finished applying to the new apt complex (thanks lus!)
he randomly sent me a message a little before 17 yesterday, so we rushed over and ~barely~ made it there as the lady was fixing to drive off. she awesomely went back in so I could fill it out (seriously awesome, imo), so in my book the place is gold already. :P
and we went to the spoon last night for a load of free pizza - apparently they do that every wednesday, and we just never knew.
doctor skoob was playing, and they're always fun to watch.

and since tooter's out of the office for the rest of the week (family emergency, and I seriously hope it works out), I gave the apt complex chino's number (he's our office mgr).
when they called him, he told them I make $13/hr. I was like, "psh! I wish I made $13/hr. if I did I probably wouldn't be leaving."
we both had a good laugh, 'cause I'm only making ~$10, and that's pretty easy to replace.

and budd's gonna be devastated when he hears this:
there is no fiber for any apt complexes.
on the bright side, it's not the specific complex's fault.
on the not-bright side, he was really excited about it.
I'm sad a bit myself.

::: posted by tinafish at 8:46 AM :::