Wednesday, February 06, 2008 :::
I'm convinced it was pure luck, and I don't believe we can kill her again anytime soon.
and, I'm hoping to get a new laptop next month.
again with the arguing with myself, about whether or not this job is really permanent... and how much I hate it sometimes.
I dunno.
I guess I always figured I'd have a career by now. it's so hard to see myself as fully grown up, even though I am. all grown up with nothing to call my own. and even less certain of where I am than ever. at this moment I don't even know for sure where I want to be.
tomorrow is my david's birthday.
even if I wanted to, I could never forget it; he shares his birthday with dickwipe.
I talked to slave last week.
I'm all a jumble now...
::: posted by tinafish at 5:06 PM :::