Monday, April 28, 2008 :::
so I guess it was his first time
I suppose he was right, since I can't find a blog post saying he'd gone there with us before.
anyhow. I had the same kind of mojito sarah had when she and I went. and holy shit is is amazing.
I can't find a pic of it, or even the name of it... but if you ever happen to be there it's um... the one with mint leaves and a lemon wedge.
fucking amazing.
ok after looking a bit harder I found it! a tropical berry mojito shaker.
budd picked up mario kart.
it looks like great fun, but after all the eating I did at fridays I chose napping over playing.
I should have a pic of the brownie-from-heaven I had as soon as budd mails it to me.
on thursday lus and I went to this restaurant downtown called the red carpet.
apparently the chef that runs the place is friends with lus (have I mentioned how he seems to know everyone in this town?), so that was nice.
I wasn't particularly impressed with my food, but I will say the guy's bbq ranch dressing was full of win.
and the chicken lus had was pretty good.
::: posted by tinafish at 11:49 AM :::