Thursday, June 12, 2008 :::

because I know you've been wondering

I forgot to mention this, probably because instead of being happy I was annoyed with how much drama was associated with getting new gear, but anyhow....
sock got new shoulders this past week! wooh!
they're all cool looking, too! priest t6 is just so awesome, imo.
here's a close of up them :)

the only other tier 6 gear I can reasonably get sometime soon would be the legs off illidari council, but I'm rather happy with the legs I have now. I guess at some point I'd like to get the token so I don't get screwed because we stop doing black temple (much like the t5 helm off vashj that I passed on because I thought we'd be killing her more often).

::: posted by tinafish at 8:28 PM :::