Sunday, November 08, 2009 :::

pink carnation in a pickup truck

same old thing so far, so I won't repeat it.

in WoW news, I got mojo yesterday ^_^
had a quick run of ZA with ola, cass, and sol. both ola & I got mojos! hopefully we can run it again next week for cass and sol.

not much else is going on.
budd and I are squandering our time together.
he's taken up the latest castlevania game and I'm still playing WoW.
we played a bit of halo together a couple of nights ago, but it didn't go too well.
I've never been very good at fps's, and halo is no exception.
so we played on legendary and I spent most of my time dead.
I'm amused since I wanted to play to get to the story of it, but we did so badly that we didn't get any further together than I've done on easy by myself.

I've been looking at jobs and apartments for when I move back home, since I don't wanna just be dead weight on my sisters.
so far it hasn't gone too well (I'd forgotten how being bilingual is a requirement for almost every position) and I'm getting more and more anxious about it.
I've even looked at places in other towns - any place with any kind of meaning for me.
kingsville, corpus, houston, dallas... I'm too dependent to just up and move, but I've got at least one friend in each of those places.
I was talking to mcrough and we both agree it'd be so nice to just up and move somewhere completely alone.
if I could just find a part time job and somewhere cheap to live... I could finish school and then just gtfo.

::: posted by tinafish at 12:12 PM :::