Thursday, December 03, 2009 :::
this whack-a-chocolate-orange thing is pretty great
but I've got my space heater blaring under my desk and some coffee so I can't complain too much.
I preordered sto, mostly for an in game pet - tribble or targ.
I'm leaning towards the tribble, but a targ could be cute too.
I doubt I'll convert from WoW, but if anything could get me to it'd be sto.
I'm looking forward to it but am trying really hard not to get excited.
maint & the roofer came by while I was at lunch.
after coming in and mistaking another area (past leak) for the leak they got on the roof and took a look.
then the roofer came back in and said something like, "I think I figured out the problem but it's took wet to fix it right now."
he really did say "think" and I weighed my options.
I was gonna talk shit to him, but I was alone in my apartment with a strange mexican so I kept my mouth shut.
anyhow, the apt is going to continue to leak if it rains again before they fix it. our tiny living room isn't big enough to move the loveseat so I will just have to run home and place a bucket there if I notice it start raining.
at least I have windows now, though all I can really see is the base of the tower here and the fencing surrounding the tower.
I'm hoping they close us.
last time we were getting shut down they did it right before christmas, so maybe that'll happen again.
with how things have been going it's real hard to keep playing nice with everyone, and my personal relationships have suffered.
it'd be so nice to go home for the holidays.
::: posted by tinafish at 2:43 PM :::