Friday, August 27, 2010 :::
*ahem* spoilers below:
wtf @ sylvester stallone & his characters (rambo & the guy he plays in this movie) having some sort of connection with some chick that never gets explained. why does rambo care that some chick jesus fan wants to go to burma? why does whatever-this-guy's-name-is care that some chick didn't leave her country? I seriously want to know.
at least the chick from this movie is hot, but the one from rambo is... well, mediocre, at best.
*sigh* done I suppose.
oh and for an update in wow!
we downed lk last night.
I can tell you're excited.
I was... underwhelmed.
with a 30% buff to us and this late in the game... well, I guess it's still better than not having killed him.
perhaps this is why I'm mostly indifferent to raiding. whether we wipe or whether we kill the boss, I always seem to be doing the same thing as I was doing the attempts before, to where I know the outcome of the encounter doesn't really rely on me.
the last time I felt like I really made a difference was back in BC, against alar in TK. I was the last healer up for about 5 mins (not really sure, but it felt like forever) and was chain casting the entire time. gg! my twin ocd's must-have-retarded-amounts-of-mana-regen-in-case-I'm-ever-the-last-healer-up and must-stack-haste-because-I-want-to-pretend-I'm-secretly-a-shaman let us have our first alar kill.
the best time I've ever had was in ZA, on our first bear run. it was the first time we 2 healed it, and we were trying killing the first few bosses in a different order than usual. that night was the best boss kill I've ever had. seriously.
perhaps if we had ever legitimately killed kael, since we put so much effort into him. significantly more time than we spent on illidan, and then I never saw sunwell.
I dunno. we downed lk after... maybe 3 real weeks of attempts. as opposed to the months I spent wiping on kael.
so anyhow, I've got some screenshots from last night's kill, and since this is my blog you may have to suffer through seeing them.
I'm off work early, and I think I may enjoy some cherry garcia while reading one of the harry potter books.
just to be sure, you know, that my favorite ice cream has actually changed.
::: posted by tinafish at 2:53 PM :::