Wednesday, December 22, 2010 :::
but don't tell anyone; I might deny I said that.
plus, at the end, the sparks shooting from her chest, always remind me of penance.
it may be playing now. again.
I've been playing a ton of WoW.
I'm really pleased with the expansion.
I'm eating up archaeology, and had planned on leveling it even before I found out the alchemy mount recipe is an arch drop. they added loads of new mini-pets & mounts, and a lot of really pretty clothes (gear) as well. :)
I've also rolled a worgen priest, but haven't gotten around to playing her. I named her "winafish" at budd's suggestion, since I didn't want to go with "tinafish" because I'm a bit psycho about people knowing my irl name.
budd seems pleased with the expansion as well, which is surprising. he's getting worked up again about switching guilds, but is at least considering applying to other guilds on medivh so he & I can still do some stuff together.
I haven't given any of the new battlegrounds a try yet, and I've only gotten into the very tail-end of a tol barad that we lost. but I'm hopeful that with the new guild achievements I may be able to scrounge a pvp group together some point soon.
pve... hah! I'm still struggling through pug regulars, and refusing to heal anything but guild heroics. budd's chomping to get to raiding but I could stand for another week of 5man heroics. while my gear is about as good as it's gonna get outside of raiding... well, I'm just not as comfy as I think I should be. on the other hand, 5mans are terrible since raid buffs are lacking. /shrug
I'd been planning on going home for christmas, but I don't think I wanna test my immune system just yet (since I just finished getting over the black plague).
and sarah's in town! hopefully we can get together for dinner or something while she's here.
milkdud was in town last week! we got together for dinner and had a pretty good time. I still haven't gotten him a birthday gift. I've given up on knitting. I'm just gonna buy him something.
but yes, I won't be going home for christmas but will be going home instead in early january.
ugh, my lights still aren't working. I need to get that fixed before I go, since with a 12 hour drive I'm either starting or ending in the dark.
and now for another episode of supernatural.
::: posted by tinafish at 8:56 AM :::