Thursday, November 07, 2013 :::

not getting pregnant is my super power

so the scab for my implant fell off.
I am full bionic man now.

speaking of huzzah, I was thinking about WoW on my way home from work.
three of my fondest memories:

  • me and old mcrough were jumping off the side of darnassus back when I first started playing.  my ghost got fatigued and we ended up taking rez sickness.

  • when zg first came out, back when it was a full 10man, a group of us from myst just barged in there (the night it was released) without reading any strats.  ohmygodsofun!  lots of wipes, but seriously it was great. plus - revenge:  we farmed the shit out of that place and we all got bears.

  • gosh last arena season maybe?  I dabble in arenas.  I'm really fond of objective based pvp but ugh @ arenas.  but zomg points!  so we'd struggle through a few matches every now and then (I'm not exactly dead weight, but I am pretty close [2v2 as a disc priest & ret pally]) and this one night we drop into a match with two tauren, an arms warrior and a holy pally.  20 minutes later the bf got a lucky string of crits and killed the pally.  another little bit and the warrior too.  I wish I'd taken a screenshot, because the amount of healing he dumped into me tanking that warrior was almost embarrassing!  aaaand a helluva payoff after a 30 minute match ^_^

I really wanna get back into WoW.  it's not the same game anymore, but I don't think that's a bad thing.

like this one time - back when I was unemployed I used to play WoW late at night.
I join this AV at like 4am and it's a turtle and I can't get up north.
I stop in galv's room and some pally followed me in.
she holy shocked him and I started healing her.
she bubbled (dropping aggro) and he turned on me.
we did this retarded juggling of aggro for what seemed like at least 30 minutes and eventually killed him with a combination of reflective shield (I loved that back in the day, for no good reason!),wanding (I don't think shadowfiends had even been introduced yet?), and her melee'ing (remember those seals?)
and that, gentle reader, is why my google talk status is set to "I tank galv!"

::: posted by tinafish at 5:34 PM :::